If the merge request contains a series of commits, the user should write a description that explains the purpose of the whole series.Very important things to consider when filling in the form: The user should open the given link, and gitlab will provide a short form to fill before the merge request is finished. Once the branch is pushed, the git server will provide a link to create a merge request for the newly pushed branch, as seen above. Remote: To create a merge request for my-branch, visit: Total 47 (delta 35), reused 32 (delta 21), pack-reused 0 In order to create a new merge request against the upstream repository, the user should push the branch to the user-specific repository ( origin remote). Push the branch and create a merge request
Learning how to fix these type of issues is easy, just investigate how other similar methods or types are documented, and do the same. Html/libmbim-glib-QDU.html:287: warning: no link for: "MbimQduFileType" -> (MbimQduFileType). They should be added to libmbim-glib-sections.txt in the appropriate place. libmbim-glib-unused.txt:1: warning: 21 unused declarations.

adding a new MBIM service in libmbim could end up triggering the following warnings in the gtk-doc step: DOC Scanning header files The developer should make sure the local builds are done with -enable-gtk-doc, and if there are new warnings introduced by the branch, these must be fixed before suggesting it for review.Į.g.

This can be checked by running a build after each commit in the following way: $ git rebase -i upstream/main -exec "make -j8" In order to allow git bisecting the branch, no single commit should break the build at any point.